FTIR Analysis (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy): Key Aspects

FTIR analysis is a spectroscopic technique that utilizes the electromagnetic spectrum naturally occurring within the wavelengths ranging from 2,500 nm to 25,000 nm.

The Fourier Transform was initially developed by the French mathematician Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768–1830). He would surely be pleased to know that his work is still employed in accordance with the latest developments in today’s analytical technology. Fourier is also credited with the discovery of the greenhouse effect long before anyone thought about CO2 emissions.

FTIR analysis works as follows:

  • Light from a broad-band light source containing the full spectrum of wavelengths to be measured is shone through a device called an interferometer.
  • The interferometer modifies the light in a special way to allow for subsequent processing of the data.
  • The beam is passed through the sample where a sample-dependent absorption takes place.
  • The light is detected and passed to a computer.
  • The computer processes all the data to infer what the absorption is at each wavelength and generates a spectrum corresponding to the data using the Fourier Transform technique.

How Does OenoFoss™ 2 Work?

It is a quick and easy-to-use solution where a winemaker can take a wine or must sample, place it under the pipette, and press the play button. The next thing you will see is the values displayed on the screen for various parameters, including sugar, alcohol, acids, or any information the winemaker needs to make decisions regarding harvest timing, fermentation control, and bottling time. The entire process takes just over a minute.

One of the advantages of OenoFoss™ 2 is that it allows you to test sparkling wine and must samples during fermentation without the need to degas the sample. The instrument cleans itself between tests.

What Makes OenoFoss™ 2 Special?

From the outside, it may appear similar to instruments on the market, but the mathematics applied in calibrations are based on the wealth of knowledge, experience, and expertise that FOSS has accumulated since 1999.

Qualitatively, OenoFoss™ 2 matches the industry-standard analyzer FOSS WineScan™. All models are based on mathematical algorithms derived from hundreds of thousands of wine and must reference samples from around the world.

What Parameters Can Be Measured with This Machine?

OenoFoss™ 2 can measure up to 34 different parameters, from ethanol, glucose, and fructose to volatile acidity. It also includes sucrose measurement, which can be used in traditional champagne production.

Is Training Required to Use It?

Anyone can use it – no special training or experience is required, as the software is intuitive. It’s a tool that can grow with your needs as a wine producer. From a sealed box to a fully functional instrument, it takes about 12 minutes.

How Can It Measure So Many Things So Quickly?

OenoFoss™ 2 provides all parameters in a single scan, thanks to Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy technology, which involves the infrared scanning of wine or must samples. Infrared light is projected through the sample, and through mathematical modeling and spectral analysis, different values are determined in just over a minute. OenoFoss™ 2 stands out for its ability to rapidly analyze sparkling wine samples.

Key Aspects of a Quality FTIR Instrument

Long-term stability, compatibility, and robust design are just a few of the aspects to consider when choosing an FTIR instrument.

Flexibility and User-Friendliness

The production staff can quickly and easily perform tests with low risk of human error. No prior sample preparation is required, and there are automated cleaning operations after testing, allowing the operator to simply present the sample and then leave after the result is delivered.

Combining high sensitivity with a complete spectrum, FTIR analysis is particularly useful for measuring low-concentration parameters, such as phenolic compounds in grapes that contribute to the color and taste of wine.

Factory-Level Standardization

Each instrument leaving the factory must be standardized in terms of light intensity, bandwidth, and wavelength accuracy to ensure complete consistency between instruments. Furthermore, once an instrument is functional, external or integrated measurement standards are required to monitor performance and ensure there are no deviations over time. This ensures continuous control.

Robust Design for the Analytical Environment

The FTIR instrument needs to be designed for the user’s environment. For example, if it is intended to be used for testing grapes at a weighbridge for payment purposes, it must be able to withstand temperature fluctuations, humidity, and a certain amount of vibration.

Fast, clean, and easy to use, FTIR analysis has become an important tool in the wine industry since 1999, when FOSS introduced it in the form of our WineScan™ analyzer. Winemakers could produce high-quality wine before, but rapid analysis has proven to be an advantage in wine production, providing reliable and objective analytical information whenever needed. Now is the time to share the power and convenience of FTIR testing with OenoFoss™ 2.

-OenoFoss™ 2-